The money it did save, before oil prices fell, went into government securities or bank deposits. 这些国家在油价回落前积攒的收益被拿来购买国债或是存入银行。
The money is sometimes placed in short-term government securities. 这些钱有时投资于短期政府债券。
While the regular calendar of gilts auctions shows sales of government securities nearly every week, and sometimes more than once a week, there are none scheduled for the period between July 19 and August 16. 根据英国国债拍卖的常规日程,几乎每周都会有国债发售活动,有时甚至一周不止一次。但在7月19日到8月16日这段期间,却没有安排任何拍卖活动。
The fundamental issue, he adds, is not whether Greek government securities are judged in default, since Greek banks do not rely heavily upon them. 他补充道,根本性问题不是希腊国债在违约时是否会受到审视,因为希腊银行对国债的依赖程度并不大。
Beyond selling portfolio assets such as government securities, countries can finance current-account deficits via cross-border mergers and acquisitions. 除了出售政府证券等组合资产,各国还可通过跨境并购为经常账户赤字融资。
The third tool, which is probably the most important, is known as open market operations. It is the buying and selling of government securities. 第三个工具也许是最重要的工具,叫做公开市场活动,也就是买卖政府证券。
As the countries in the eurozone have abandoned their own national currencies, the pressures have been felt in widening interest differentials between German government securities and those of peripheral member countries. 鉴于欧元区国家已放弃本国货币,我们可以从德国和欧元区外围成员国政府证券之间不断扩大的利差感受到这种压力。
The official sector holds at least half of all long-term US marketable government securities outstanding. 已发行的美国长期可流通政府债券中,至少一半为各国政府持有。
When the Federal Reserve buys government securities from banks, other businesses or individuals, it pays for them with a check a new source of money that it prints drawn on itself. 当联邦储备系统从银行、企业、或个人手里购买政府证券时,它用由它本身来兑现的支票它印发的一种新型钞票来支付。
It is also enabling China to accumulate ownership of American government securities and private-sector assets. 这也使中国有机会掌握了一部分美国国债和一些私人资产的所有权。
In practice, that means government securities. 在实践中,这意味着政府证券。
Meanwhile, stress in the credit markets, the epicentre of the financial crisis, intensified as investors fled to save government securities. 与此同时,信贷市场(此次金融危机的震中)压力加剧,投资者纷纷将资产转换成安全的政府证券。
Some propose spending the money at home; others want more diversification of investments. But the consensus behind recycling foreign currency into US government securities is coming under attack. 有人提议将这些钱用在国内,还有人认为应该将投资多元化,而继续买入美国国债的共识正受到抨击。
About two-thirds of trading volumes were comprised of government securities. 大约三分之二的交易额来自政府证券。
It keeps a big chunk of its reserves in boring American government securities. 央行至今仍百无聊赖地保有着大量的美国政府债券。
In a typical CDO, senior securities can achieve credit ratings much higher than those of the underlying debt-sometimes triple-A, the same rating as US government securities. 在一个典型的CDO里,高级证券可以获得比相关债务高得多的评级&有时是AAA级,与美国政府证券评级相同。
Analysis on Self-independent Training System in China Government Securities Depository Trust& Clearing Co., LTD 中央国债登记结算公司自主化培训体系探析
The Chilean central bank may not buy government securities while Israel, Argentina, Canada and South Korea impose limits on how much the central bank may purchase. 智利央行不可能购买国债,而以色列,阿根廷,加拿大和韩国央行可以,但购买数额有限制。
One TIC data set of particular interest to bond players is just how great the investment in US government securities by foreign governments is each month. 对债券投资者而言,TIC报告中一项极为重要的数据是每个月外国政府对美国国债的投资额。
Another alternative is the narrow bank model, which confines the banks to investing depositors 'assets in low-risk government securities. 另一种选择是狭义银行(narrowbank)模式。在这种模式下,银行只能将储户的资产投资于低风险的政府债券。
Narrow banks would invest in government securities, run the payment system and offer safe deposits to the public. 狭义银行将投资政府证券、经营支付系统并为公众提供安全的存款场所。
It is invested mostly in high-growth mutual funds, which he will convert to bonds and government securities. 这些钱大部分将被投资于高增长的共同基金,他也可以将其转换成公司债券和政府债券。
Still, high-quality government securities account for almost half the supply of potentially safe assets, according to the IMF. 尽管如此,据国际货币基金组织(imf)表示,高品质的政府债券几乎占了潜在安全资产供应的一半。
However, there is an exemption for trading in US government securities but not other sovereigns, so it could reduce liquidity in non-US sovereign markets, making it more difficult, costlier and riskier for countries to issue and distribute debt. 然而,对美国国债交易却网开一面(而其他国家国债则不可以),因此这可能会减少非美国国债市场的流动性,加大其他国家发行和销售债券的难度、成本和风险。
He got screaming profits by buying government securities. 通过买政府债券他获得了惊人的利润。
Chapter 4 focuses on the collusion in practice, mainly in auction market of government securities and electricity. 第四部分主要以政府债券市场拍卖和电力市场拍卖为例,讨论了现实中的合谋问题。